Florian Pouthier ☕️
Florian Pouthier

Doctor in Control and Robotics

Make drones more efficient in challenging environments

My research focuses on the safe navigation of UAVs in constrained environments. I recently joined the LEASARD CominLabs project, in which I will investigate SLAM and navigation algorithms with event-based cameras to improve drone autonomy in cluttered environments.

My Ph.D. thesis work, led at ICube Strasbourg and GIPSA-lab Grenoble, has been dedicated to the event-driven navigation of a drone in dark environments, as a part of the dark-NAV ANR project. This thesis has been supervised by Nicolas Marchand and Sylvain Durand.

Through my research work, I developed research interests in aerial robotics, robust control and set theory. As a graduate of an engineering school (INSA Strasbourg), I have developed a taste for control theory, which I try to deploy as much as possible on real control systems.

Download CV
  • Aerial Robotics
  • Robust Control
  • Set Theory
  • Ph.D. in Control and Robotics

    Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France

  • M.Sc. in Control and Robotics

    Télécom Physique Strasbourg, France

  • M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering

    INSA Strasbourg, France

Featured Publications
Recent Publications
(2023). In-Ground-Effect Disturbance-Rejection Altitude Control for Multi-Rotor UAVs. JINT.
(2023). Synchronization of a New Light-Flashing Shield With an External-Triggered Camera. IEEE Sensors Letters.
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